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Michigan FAM Trip Opportunity

🇨🇦 This article was originally published on the Toronto Travel Massive blog

Are you a travel writer, agent, tour operator, travel media, or travel industry professional?

Go Great Lakes Bay, part of #PureMichigan, is giving Travel Massive community members an opportunity to explore the State of Michigan during a FAM Trip September 9-12, 2014

Pure Michigan

Some highlights of the FAM trip include:

Marshall Fredericks Sculpture Museum
Dow Gardens
Delta College Planetarium
Antique Toy & Fire Truck Museum






Up to two company representative will be accepted.

A $50.00 per person deposit is requested with reservation. Upon completion of the FAM tour, the deposit will be refunded. Make checks payable to Great Lakes Bay Regional CVB.

It is the FAM participant’s responsibility to arrange transportation to and from the start/end point of the tour for the designated start and end times.

Airport shuttle service will be made available on an as-needed basis to MBS International Airport, located between Midland, Bay City, and Saginaw.

Transportation during the tour as well as accommodations and meals are provided on a complimentary basis.

Incidental expenses incurred by any FAM tour guest are the responsibility of the guest.

Early arrivals or late departures to accommodate site visits to other Michigan destinations are acceptable. Please let us know if you wish to visit other Michigan destination for assistance in making those arrangements.

Optional overnight accommodations at a reduced rate will be available to accommodate early arrivals or late departures.

Space is limited, email or call Herb Zeilinger at or Lori Amo 800-444-9979

Deadline to submit: August 15th, 2014

FAM trip sponsored by the Great Lakes Bay Region

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