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How to Land a Job Abroad

Travel is one of the most rewarding experiences but how do you make sure you can keep going while still having enough funds? Working abroad is one of the best ways to continue travelling longer. Whether it is teaching valuable skills to women, serving on a cruise ship, managing a ski resort, or watching over children, there are a myriad of opportunities out there. So how do you land that all-important job overseas? Here are 6 tips from Verge Magazine and Go Global Expo to finding a job abroad.

exhibitor go global expo

Build your Skills

Get yourself qualified and write your resume. Each country has different requirements and a little research can give you an idea of what an employer is looking for. Consider volunteering in different sectors to gain experience such as sailing, diving, other sports, or learn a foreign language. A certificate in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) is also very useful around the world.

Write Your Resume

It is a good idea to prepare a resumé with both character and work-related experiences. You might be asked for proof of qualifications so bring hard copies of any certificates you have earned plus references. As an alternative to carrying them around, email copies to yourself so you can access them anywhere in the world.

Find a Job

Scour specific overseas job and volunteer listings online such as and Keep in find casual or short-term work is often easier to find in the countryside or suburban areas rather than city centres, and outside the student holiday periods, although just before Christmas is a good time, when staff turnover is high.

Reach out to Ex-Expats

Luckily you’re not the first person to do any of this and a myriad of resources exist to guide you through every step of the process. Seek online forums, travel publications, and explore the vast community of bloggers that exist online. Industry trade shows like the Go Global Expo each year in Toronto, Montreal, and Boston can help you narrow down some of the work, study or volunteer abroad programs available.

Go Global Expo Verge

Follow Up

Contacts are often the key to success so it’s important to follow up with any leads you are given. Often employers receive hundreds of applications but a quick call or email will help them remember you. This can make all the difference between someone who lands a job and someone who doesn’t.

Dress the Part

Pack a smart outfit for interviews like black and whites, and more casual wear if you are planning to try for restaurant or seasonal jobs.

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