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Community and Events, Europe

The Travel Massive Crete Road Trip

Travel Massive Crete launched this month but in a slightly different way to our usual first events in new towns or cities.

The launch of Travel Massive on the island of Crete was actually a 3 Day Road trip with 3 different events in 3 different towns on the island. In order to keep you updated, we sent Simon Lewis along to introduce Travel Massive to the local travel community and take a few instagram pictures on the way.


The reason behind the 3 day event was our the passion that our local chapters leaders had to use our events to start a discussion between the local travel industry about how Crete and the local industry can collaborate. It is their hope to use social media as a stronger outlet for city promotion and figure out how to extend Crete’s season through a social media campaign called #crete4seasons.

All 3 events were a huge success. With the local travel industry interested to learn more about Travel massive, our global community came together and got involved in the discussions.

Our local Chapters leaders did a great job arranging 3 events in 3 days and getting important members of the tourism industry to attend including a town mayor.

Thanks to the sponsors of our events and Aegean Airlines  for sponsoring flights.


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