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A Look Back On Tech Predictions for 2015

It’s always neat to look back on the predictions that we once made for the years to come. Last year around this time we shared a post titled Tech Predictions for 2015. We asked some of the experts in the travel and tech industry to give us their best predictions for 2015, here is just a summary of what was gathered:

  • There would be an upward growth toward multimedia
  • There would be a growth in photography platforms (like Instagram)
  • There would be exponential growth of video sharing
  • More unique travel experiences will be developed
  • There would be more options for sustainable travel
  • Travel businesses would have access to more measurable travel data
  • Consumers will think of travel as more of an authentic, immersive and life-changing experience

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Looking back over a year of content shared and new Travel Massive chapter developments, it is quite clear that these predictions were on point. Here’s just a few examples:

  • Multimedia: helps people plan a trip, give them personalised/relevant guided content in a destination, let them capture important moments such as photos, videos, notes, etc.
  • Photography Platforms: Fripito helps photographers to snap better photos through travelling.
  • Video Sharing: Travel Massive Day helped create more new content for travellers!
  • Unique Experiences: On VoulezVousDiner you can host or book a dinner in 50 countries across the world.
  • Sustainable Travel: Urban Adventures won the World Responsible Tourism Award with even more sustainable adventure tours in the works.

Now that 2015 is coming to an end, we’d like to know what your upcoming predictions are for the year 2016!

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