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Düsseldorf Travel Massive Joins Life at Trivago

What’s a Düsseldorf tourism event without a little Trivago? Last month we teamed up with Trivago for an academy networking event filled with great people, great chats, and great pizza.

There was a wonderful mix of community members in attendance including Trivago employees (surprise, surprise), travel bloggers, startups and tourism consultants.


The evening started off at the Trivago Academy where the lecture was lead by guest speakers from Blinkist, an online platform offering 1,500+ best-selling nonfiction books turned into summaries you can read or listen to in 15 minutes. Power reading essentially. We also learned how to read well with a couple tips and tricks shared throughout the evening.


After a short question and answer period (and after receiving our 1-month free subscriptions to Blinkist), we separated from the Academy pack for some pizza and networking. Free beer, free pizza, free networking.


Trivago head office is a little bit like Google’s offices for those living in Düsseldorf, so we were excited about the opportunity to go on an office tour of the building, courtesy of John Pilkington and the team at Life at Trivago. They took us through some of their wildest workspaces and shared a little bit more about what Life at Trivago is really like.

Instead of sharing stories or pictures with you, why not just share a video?

Our thanks goes out to the Trivago team (and especially John Pilkington) for putting together such a wonderful evening. For more photos and stories, be sure to join us over on our Facebook group!


Jenna Davis is a content creator and social media manager from Toronto, Canada and currently living in Düsseldorf, Germany. She travels the world in hopes to make a small difference and inspire others to travel sustainably. She blogs over at Give for Granted and runs the English speaking community #LifeinDüsseldorf.

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